Young Adults

As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.

Proverbs 27:17

We are here to help guide our young adults, to continue to grow and to carry on the teachings that they have learned through scripture as a Child of God. To equip them with the teachings of their responcibility, to walk as we have been instructed to in God's word and give them a solid foundation to move forward. We are so excited about their oppertunities to be a representitive for the dicipleship that they have gained, to stand by them, as they are our future church leaders.

Weekend Meetups

Sunday Young Adult Class 9:30 am

This class is for those that are stepping into owning their own responsibilities and getting ready to attend college, and move out into the world of adult responsibility, including young parents and couples.

Saturday 6:30pm

This activity is still being formulated, and is on hold for now,  we will be updating as soon as all details are available.

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